I’m happy to announce that we’ve found resources that can put your company’s brand/logo on your Medical Pack or Pro Case product. For example, on the Medical Pack your company’s logo would appear in the area above the front mesh pocket. On the Pro Case your company’s logo would be on a patch adhered to… Continue reading Personalize Your Medical Pack or Pro Case With a Custom Logo!
National Nurses Week
In recognition of National Nurses Week (May 6-12) we honor the commitment of the nurses who make daily sacrifices for their patients. I’d also like to give a special shout-out to the nurses who helped us with the development of our Medical Pack product. -Many thanks to Vince, Roman, Jenn, Michelle and Luann. Have a… Continue reading National Nurses Week
Welcome to Innovative Care Products
Thank you for checking out our blog. We’re very happy to launch our first two products, the Medical Pack (now called the “Tablet Bag”) and the Pro Case. Both of these products were created using a “form follows function” design philosophy. Professor F. A. Porsche put it best… Continue reading Welcome to Innovative Care Products